On 10/27/22 20:39, John C Klensin wrote:
--On Thursday, October 27, 2022 22:27 -0500 Adam Roach
<adam@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 10/27/2022 10:24 PM, John C Klensin wrote:
But, again, your suggestion and mine don't seem very different
in practice, especially if there are no further inappropriate
I will reiterate my previous point about the unlikelihood of
this outcome, given that there have been inappropriate
postings by Dan in this thread itself.
I believe at least most of those posting preceded the messages
from Dan about what he now understood and would not repeat in
the future. If there are exceptions since then (I don't recall
any but have found these threads someone overwhelming), I
believe they fall into the range in which there seems to be
considerable disagreement in the community about appropriateness
or lack thereof.
Yes, the thread has become rather voluminous again, so it's
understandable that you missed my most recent message on this topic. The
point I was reiterating was previously made in my email archived here:
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