On 27 Oct 2022, at 15:47, John C Klensin wrote:
--On Thursday, October 27, 2022 10:39 -0500 Pete Resnick
<resnick@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Revocation of posting rights does not require that we never
see posts from this person.
Completely agreed for all mailing lists other than those called
out in the PR-action Last Call notice. If what you are saying
is "let's force him off the enumerated set of mailing lists and
then see what happens with other lists to which he might
contribute", I can see some sense in that... Except that at
least one of those lists --the ietf@xxxxxxxx one-- is something
we at least used to tell people was important for full
participation in the IETF.
Then perhaps the "balance" you are looking for is, "Suspend posting
rights on the enumerated lists only to the extent that his posts are
explicitly moderated instead of simply being discarded, and encourage
chairs of other lists to limit their actions to the same." I see nothing
in BCP 83 that forbids this outcome. If the behavior seems to have
improved over (insert time of your liking), post another PR-Action
withdrawing the suspension.
Pete Resnick https://www.episteme.net/
All connections to the world are tenuous at best
last-call mailing list