Nico Schottelius wrote on 11/03/2021 21:11:
I believe $250/y is quite a good price tag, indeed. As you mention, it
is still not fully inclusive, but I understand the reasoning to at least
cover the costs from ARIN side.
if $250/y seems like a good price, then why don't you:
1. register a RIPE LIR (2021 cost: €825/y)
2. get GUA PI assignments for each user and pass on charges of €50/y
3. add markup to cover costs
If you have anything more than a trivial number of address holders, then
the mark-up should be small and the overall charge per assignment should
be significantly less than $250/y.
E.g. if you had 50 assignees, the costs would be < €70 per annum, and
whatever amount of time it took.
+ no need for new number registry, going outside the GUA space, filter
problems, etc.