On 30/12/2020 21:42, Stewart Bryant wrote:
There are plenty of professions in which people have to work the night shift. They encounter exactly all the problems that we see described here, having to sleep during the day time, eating at odd hours, not socializing with their family, etc. It is hard, but the people doing that manage, including those who have my age. I suppose it is a matter of setting expectations with your family and your job
Exactly, there are many professions including that do strange hours, and everybody accepts it as part of the job. That is why I am finding this hard to understand, although I have been lucky not to have had really strange hours at an IETF yet.
Because it was part of the Terms and Conditions of employment signed up
to and accepted before it all started, with remuneration to match. I
have worked shifts, albeit briefly, and I had to reorganise several
aspects of my life. By contrast, this is a big change to a
well-established way of working so yes, I expect, and see, resistance.
Tom Petch