>I am not talking about email spreading virues. A number of viruses appear >to send spam. (not spreading). Sometimes this is autonymous. Sometime it >is under control via IRC channel back to the virus operator. > Further, it >seems that many open proxies are installed by virus. Once the virus has >control of the computer, it has or will obtain keys to private keychains, >etc. It can do whatever the infected users can do. > >The number of 40-50 emails per IP figure comes from analysis of spam >messages that get by filters, by reviewing how many messages came from the >same source. A lot of spam that gets by filters is of this very low volume >type. Dean this is important data for me, but not as useful until I can get you to tell me: 1. What was the time duration of the sample? 2. What was your total approximate sample size? 3. What was the total volume of this type of spam within that sample? Estimates would be fine. I would really appreciate it very much. Thanks, Shelby Moore http://AntiViotic.com