I don't particularly agree with Karl's DNS philsosphy and I don't particularly agree with the ICANN concept. My own beliefs are off in a different direction from either. But anyone can read the court's decision. And any reasonable person will then wonder why ICANN chose to waste its money and goodwill fighting the lawful access demands of a Director but instead chose to insist on imposing illegal and improper procedures and seemingly trying to confirm all of the worst things said about how ICANN is opaque and un-trustable. And since the written record in the court's decision is so clear, they will also wonder why both of your are squandering your reputation trying to deny that the court found ICANN's actions to be so clearly illegal and improper that it could summarily rule against ICANN based solely on the law and undisputed facts without any need for a trial. Donald ====================================================================== Donald E. Eastlake 3rd dee3@torque.pothole.com 155 Beaver Street +1-508-634-2066(h) +1-508-851-8280(w) Milford, MA 01757 USA Donald.Eastlake@motorola.com