You said: "This aint rocket science, and keeping track of namesystems is about as complicated as keeping track of port numbers." Except for the minor consumer fraud that "oh, by the way you can only use certain ISPs and you have to configure your DNS settings for alternate TLD foo to work." [This fits really nicely on a business card]. And this arrogant thing about: "...the official roots should just list all the info from our alternate roots so that everything will work seamlessly." Have your cake and eat it too. Richard, I have a strong desire to add a new area code in the US. I was thinking of calling it "370" which is "OLE" upside down, but perhaps 370 is already taken, I'll have to check. Anyway, it would work just like any other area code of course (apart from the local access number 27 digit PIN and such to make it work), but I think it would be really neat. Call 1-800-OLE-OLE-NOW I like it already, and I don't see why I should not be allowed to set this up just like that. Ole J. Jacobsen Editor and Publisher The Internet Protocol Journal Office of the CTO, Cisco Systems Tel: +1 408-527-8972 GSM: +1 415-370-4628 E-mail: URL: