Hello all, From time to time my GnuGK will start having issues and when I check the log I see thousands of entries like this; 2011/11/01 12:35:07.652 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(5887) RTCP CodianMCUip:61923<=>GnuGKip:1069<=>EndpointIP:2473 socket has no destination address yet, flush ignored In today’s connection, these messages started appearing within 2 seconds of the connection being initiated. There was one entry (as per above) and then; 2011/11/01 11:58:03.665 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(7153) Proxy CodianMCUip:61923<=> GnuGKip:1069<=> EndpointIP:2473 forward blocked Followed by thousands of entries. Disconnecting and then reconnecting, twice, did not resolve the issue. Sometimes the connection between the Endpoint and the MCU will hold up, but in the main, the connection will ultimately drop. The Codian MCU is a 4505 (firmware is up to date). The endpoint is a Cisco/Tandberg C60 and the firmware is up to date. I understand that the Gatekeeper version is 2.3.4 The Gatekeeper config is (edited version, to remove internal IPs); [Gatekeeper::Main] TotalBandwith=-1 Fourtytwo=42 Name=gatekeeper… Home=GatekeperIP Bind=GatekeeperIP EndpointIDSuffix=_details TimeToLive=300 DefaultDomain=default CompareAliasCase=0 [RoutedMode] GKRouted=1 CallSignalPort=1720 AcceptNeighborsCalls=1 AcceptUnregisteredCalls=1 DropCallsByReleaseComplete=1 SendReleaseCompleteOnDRQ=1 [RoutingPolicy] default=explicit,internal,enum,srv,dns,parent,neighbor [Proxy] Enable=1 InternalNetwork=IPrange [GKStatus::Auth] regex=^IPrange FileIPAuth=required;RRQ,LRQ,Setup rule=regex [FileIPAuth] any=allow AARNet-a-gk1=AARNet:1719;*; [Endpoint] Type=Gateway Gatekeeper=AARNet Vendor=Cisco H323ID=FlindersGK Prefix=prefix E164=E.164# RRQRetryInterval=10 TimeToLive=900 Discovery=0 UnregisterOnReload=1 [RasSrv::ARQFeatures] CallUnregisteredEndpoints=1 [RasSrv::LRQFeatures] IncludeDestinationInfoInLCF=1 [CallTable] DefaultCallTimeout=0 GenerateNBCDR=1 GenerateUCCDR=1 AcctUpdateInterval=0 [Gatekeeper::Acct] FileAcct=required;start,update,stop,on,off default=accept [FileAcct] DetailFile=/var/log/acct.log Rotate=0 END Any clues on what might be happening? Where should I be directing my attention to resolve this issue? Des Gellert Audio Visual / ICT Officer Flinders NT Medical Program 1st Floor Yellow Wing, Building 4, Royal Darwin Hospital Campus, Tiwi NT 0810 PO Box 41326, Casuarina NT 0811 p: (08) 8922 6918, f: (08) 8922 9728 and m: 0400 794 125 Before you print, please think. Do I really need a hard copy of this message? |
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