Re: RasSrv::PermanentEndpoints

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I am not sure if I understood your problem correct. What I know is that with "printallregistrations" command you wouldn't see the assigned prefixes to the end points. Try the "printallregistrationsverbose" or "??"  command. That will show you the available endpoints plus the assigned prefixes to each.
- Bahram.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 4:41 AM
Subject: RasSrv::PermanentEndpoints

Hello, I've installed gnugk a few month ago and enverything went fine till now,
the problem is that I would like to assing a prefix to a gateway. By reading
the documentation I found out it was: ip:port=alias;prefix,prefix,...
While I do this simply the gateway appear to be in the registrations by typing
printallregistrations command or a find alias, but there is no prefix assigned.
The boss told me that before I came to work here, there was another gatekeeper
so I took the old server and watched the old config, and the command was a bit
different: ip:port=alias=prefix , so I tried it but it did not even
register the gateway
ignoring it completely.
I'm actually using gnugk version 2.2.2 statically compiled for linux.
I hope you can help me.
Thank you, Gauthier.

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