Yes, this can be a bit tricky...;-)
----- Original Message ----- From: "Krzysztof Legenza" <legzio@xxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 2:07 PM
OK. I resolve problem.
Murhy's laws :)
Last way is to read instruction :)
FileAcct daesn't write start events (it doesn't support it), so if SQLAcct fault store cdr module return foult.
Michal, you took about it ealier, but I didn't pay atention on this.
default=accept - this is a key.
Krzysztof Legenza wrote:Of course there is "required" :) An error occured when I pasted it to post.
You've right. SQLAcct modules returned failure, because of syntax error into query, but question is: why in this situation calls are droped.
I made a test. I shuted down a database engine and gnugk couldn't connect to db. All calls were droped - unfortunatelly :( It means, that any problems with db cause unsuccessful work gnugk. It make sense when database is used to auth, but is unconvinient when database only store CDR's.
Zygmuntowicz Michal wrote:
FileAcct=require;start,stop should be FileAcct=required;start,stop Maybe this is the problem. On the other hand, you have syntax errors in your query. Maybe SQLAcct module returns failure in this case and work as optional only when the database is offline or records cannot be stored.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Krzysztof Legenza" <legzio@xxxxxx> Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 9:06 AM
I didn't show whole section in my prewious post. Full section show below:
[Gatekeeper::Acct] SQLAcct=optional;start,stop FileAcct=require;start,stop
So I thought FileAcct in this situation is critical rather SQLAcct (even SQLAcct was fault, CDRs have been stored to file). Should I put in this section "default=..." too?
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