Re: RE : Test Performance

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Just check your OS for limits
in the bash type limits

this give something... like this...
bash-2.05b$ limits
Resource limits (current):
  cputime          infinity secs
  filesize         infinity kb
  datasize           524288 kb
  stacksize           65536 kb
  coredumpsize     infinity kb
  memoryuse        infinity kb
  memorylocked     infinity kb
  maxprocesses         5778
  openfiles           86400
  sbsize           infinity bytes
  vmemoryuse       infinity kb
check the maxprocess (and thus threads)  in the system
the number of semaphores ...I supose the gnugk uses
semaphores to serialize things... 
ipcs -S....
bash-2.05b$ ipcs -S
        semmap:     30  (# of entries in semaphore map)
        semmni:   4096  (# of semaphore identifiers)
        semmns:  16380  (# of semaphores in system)
        semmnu:     30  (# of undo structures in system)
        semmsl:  16380  (max # of semaphores per id)
        semopm:    100  (max # of operations per semop call)
        semume:     10  (max # of undo entries per process)
        semusz:     92  (size in bytes of undo structure)
        semvmx:  32767  (semaphore maximum value)
        semaem:  16384  (adjust on exit max value)


here I can do a sysctl to query the kernel on how
much resources there are avaiable...
for example....
bash-2.05b$ sysctl kern.threads
kern.threads.debug: 0
kern.threads.max_threads_per_proc: 150
kern.threads.max_groups_per_proc: 50
kern.threads.max_threads_hits: 0
kern.threads.virtual_cpu: 1
with 100 connections it can pass the limit of 150 (in my case...)
my system uses posix threads  inside the libc...
so (for me) a limit of 500 threads for process would be nice...

here I have some problems that gnugk does not
finish when I use kill pid.of.gnugk... so I have
to fire killl -9 to shut it down.. 

Is there a possibility that the gnugk thread sytem is in dead lock???
after some overload??  may be it runs out of some resource
and the deadlock condition arises...


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