Dear Sergio,
What I meant is I run gnugk on Dual Pentium 850 on
Redhat Linux Desktop Ed with 2 G Ram memory. Thus with a call generation
of 120 calls simultanoes session and callgenerator running on the same machine
are using up to 90 % CPU Usage.
However, If you dont mind sharing , how do i see if the system is runnig out of cpu
or is woking on interrupts ? Thank you and regards,
From: Sergio Lenzi <enigma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Organization: lztech To: openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: Test Performance Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 12:52:47 -0300 Reply-To: openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx On Monday 16 August 2004 06:17, Michal Zygmuntowicz wrote: > If you could take some time and submit your > test results at > it would be great. > > On Mon, 2004-08-16 at 08:06, Budiman Indra wrote: > > Dear All > > > > Just another informations to share. > > > > I've did try Linux Based call generator software (Lanforge, > > Miniacom and CallGen323) that points to the GnuGk compiled with > > LargeFD_Set with 4 E1s of traffic running on Dual Processor PIII 850 > > with 2 G Memory on Intel LB 440 GX+ motherboard. > > > > 1 E1 --- 35 % Cpu Load On the Average > > 2 E1 --- 60 % Cpu Load On the Average > > 3 E1 --- 80 % Cpu Load On the Average > > 4 E1 --- 90 % Cpu Load On the Average > > Hello... did you mean that the gatekeeper is running on a Linux with 2GB ....??? And E1 boards ?? and this consumes 90% of cpu??? How many process/threads do you think there is in the system or in the gnugk??? if you thinkd about 30lines per E1 * 4 is 120 simultaneous calls using top, you can see if the system is runnig out of cpu cycles or is woking on interrupts... If is cpu, I recomend you try FreeBSD because it is target to large loads and keep the cpu response time in a better way... if you want you can install gnugk & friends at: pkg_add -v and the kernel too: pkg_add -v it is compiled with postgresql libpq version 7.4.3.. Sergio --__--__-- |