I need to trigger the vertual queue for all nos 94xxxxxxxx, and to ring Agent 'james' for 'ALL' numbers that start with 94.
here is the gnugk.ini
[CTI::Agents] VirtualQueuePrefix=94 RequestTimeout=10
AND ACDconfig.properties files is:
# Config file for GnuGkACD # gnugk_host= gnugk_port=7000 listen_port=7001 distribution_algorithm=LONGEST_IDLE #logfile=acd.log debug=1 94_queueing_mode=RINGING #94_queueing_mode=TALKING 94_priority=50 94_ring_timeout=60 94_talk_timeout=180 94_size=3
AND my ACDAgentConfig.Properties Files is like this:
# # list auf agents: alias=group1,group2 # all names are case-sensitive # no spaces config lines ! # james=94
when i tried to call 94999999, the GNUGK calls the ACD but ACD says "No agent to call 94999999 (0)" and sends a RouteReject .
(ACD successfully calls the agent when I use "james=94999999" instead of "james=94")
Is there any other way to make the ACD send "ALL" calls with prefix 94 to a particular agent.
Thanks in advance
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