El 25/03/2004, a las 8:14, Stewart Nelson escribió:
Hi Jan and all,
First, many thanks for the 2.0.6 Darwin binary. It runs great on my Mac.
The page at http://www.gnugk.org/h323download.html suggests getting PWLib and OpenH323 library from http://sourceforge.net/projects/openh323 . The versions offered there are 1.6.5 and 1.13.4 respectively. Perhaps that is too aggressive. When I go to http://www.openh323.org/code.html , the versions offered are 1.5.2 and 1.12.2 . According to the gnugk manual, these are compatible with 2.0.7. And, lo and behold, they compile error free on the Mac without any tweaks (except for --enable-rtti, thanks Michal and Craig) and it runs fine!
Jan, let me know if you want the 2.0.7 Darwin binary, and what other files (library binaries?) should be included.
Thanks again,
Would be nice to test 2.0.7 on OS X. can you send it to me, please.
Adrià Vidal
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