Hi, there,
I setup a GNUgk 2.0.7 on Win2K. I can use the [RasSrv::PermanentEndpoints] to define a non-registered Cisco-5300 to route call to that terminated 5300. However, I am wondering can GNUgk take non-registered Originate GW call and route it to other PermanentEndpoints?
I try to define PermanentEndpoint
for that originate GW as both gateway and terminal, but I always got this error
on originate AS5300. dur 00:00:00 tx:0/0 rx:0/0 3 (no route to destination.) IP 198.xx.xx.xx:0 rtt:0ms pl:0/0ms lost:0/0/0 delay:0/0/0ms g729r8 pre-ietf
If anyone can tell me is this a valid scenario or just configuration issue. If it is configuration issue, how should I configure it. Thanks. Joseph Chen