I've posted a couple of messages recently about a problem I'm having where some files in my cluster are not showing up under unify, despite existing properly on the individual storage bricks . This would happen under unify only if the namespace entry is missing for the file. Self heal of unify should ideally fix these cases. If for some reason (bug?) the self-heal is not fixing it, you could try manually 'touch' ing the file in the backend of namespace and see if you can access the file. This is the exact problem I'm having - the files do not appear on the namespace brick (if I try to access the file directly in some way, gluster reports the file is found on only one brick and EIOs about it). There doesn't seem to be any pattern to this behavior - I've tried touching some of the files which I know it's happening to (it's hard to tell across 6 bricks with a fairly complicated directory structure) but to no avail. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: http://zresearch.com/pipermail/gluster-users/attachments/20080713/53c7e421/attachment.htm