Excerpts from Arnulf Heimsbakk's message of Tue Jul 08 13:54:39 +0530 2008: > Can glusterfs be mounted through NAT? Do I need some special configuration? If you use IP based authentication, it is required that the client be bound to a priviliged port, which is getting clobbered due to NAT in your case. The solution is to use username/password based authentication. In your protocol/server add: option auth.login.brick1.allow user1,user2 option auth.login.user1.password user1-password option auth.login.user2.password user2-password And in your protocol/client volume add: option username user1 option password user1-password option remote-subvolume brick1 Be aware that the username and password will be sent across the network in plain text. > Arnulf Vikas Gorur -- Code coolie, Z Research http://vikas.80x25.org/