On Sat, Nov 13, 2004 at 08:51:26PM +0000, Alan Horkan wrote: > > (I really hope Gfig will be rolled back as the developer working on it has > previously suggested, it is definately not ready for 2.2) > Thanks for your help. AFAIK, I'm the only one really working on gfig for now. It isn't ready for 2.2, but I'm doing my best to achieve this. If you have the skills to put a fully debugged, easy to read and fully HIG compliant version of gfig (even a rolled back version, I don't care), feel free to provide the sources to us. Until I see this code, I'll go on with debugging and polishing the existing version. Regards, DindinX -- david@xxxxxxxxxxx i,d,j;main(n,v)char**v;{n=atoi(v[1]);d=atoi(v[2]);{int*r=alloca(5*d+10);char *q=r+d+2;printf("%d/%d=%d",n,d,n/d);*q=46;*r=n%d;for(;i<d;i++){r[i+1]=(r[i]* 10)%d;q[i+1]=48+(r[i]*10)/d;for(j=0;j<i+1;j++)if(r[i+1]==r[j])return*r=q[j+1 ],q[j+1]=0,printf("%s",q),q[j+1]=*r,q[i+2]=0,printf("[%s]\n",q+j+1);}}}