> The above operations are possible with the bucket fill, but the bucketI tried it the other day. You are right. So should I make a bug entry?
> makes it's own selection.Hmm??? Of course Bucket Fill uses an existing selection!
Bug nr. (choose a number) Bucket fill behaves strange with existing
Bucket fill behaves different when a selection is active.
An other point is, that you can make the same thing setting the threshold to 255.
No, I think it doesn't make sense, as long as they are not shortcuts to the bucket fill tool.
> fill with foreground/background has good shortcuts (ctrl ./,) but you
> can't set a mode or transparency.it might make sense to make those two use the Bucket Fill settings.
The Bucket Fill settings are used when filling using drag-n-drop so
this can be considered an unconsistency.
A normal user can not unterstand why a selection from the menu uses a tool setting.
You are right here. There are a lot of options, and after all it's really gradient fill.
> The first thing to do is add a "fill with color" and "fill with pattern"
> option to the gradient fill.
> Then we can think about removing the bucket-fill (I don't use it).the Gradient Fill UI is already cluttered enough. We shouldn't add
anything not gradient related there.
Ok, I think we have some points still open:
-fill with foreground/background color is usefull but does not really
integrate with the tools.
-bucket fill behaves not intuitive (and works to slow with threshold
set to 255)
-too many tools for filling