I had some problems with the following operations:
Fill a selection with a pattern.
Lighting a selection up.
The above operations are possible with the bucket fill, but the
bucket makes it's own selection.
After thinking about the problem I came to the following chart:
makes selection fills
fuzzy selection
bucket fill
fill with fg/bg
gradient fill
Ok, there are some differences:
bucket-fill does not make a selection that you can work with.
fill with foreground/background has good shortcuts (ctrl ./,) but
you can't set a mode or transparency.
gradient fill can fill with gradients but not with one color or
with a pattern.
All differences appart: we have four tools with do two things, (selecting and filling) but they can't do all of it.
The first thing to do is add a "fill with color" and "fill with
pattern" option to the gradient fill.
Then we can think about removing the bucket-fill (I don't use it).
The above is only a proposition and free for discusion, but I can
implement it if you like.
Ralf Engels, Dipl. Informatiker
Rücker GmbH Ulm
Lise-Meitner-Str. 15
89081 Ulm Germany
privat Tel: 07348/967496
Fax: 0731/9266135
gesch Tel: 0731/9544143
Fax: 0731/9544191