All, I'm new to the Gimp-Perl realm. I have set up a Gimp-Perl server running on our Web server box so that I can throw Perl creation programs at The Gimp. All my Perl programs are designed to create a file with the results of the operation. I then pump this file back to the client's browser with their finished product (e.g., a button with text on it). During the testing of my programs I noticed that the Layers & Channels palette had every image created still listed in the Image: pull-down list. This got me to thinking, is this information being kept around even though the image is long gone? If so, does that mean the Gimp-Perl server's memory usage would grow in size? After a little testing, using my button creator, I did notice that The Gimp's memory usage did increase after each execution. I found during testing that if I temporarily displayed the new image and then deleted it that the Layers & Channels Image list did not retain the image created. However, this did not stop the memory grabbing. Any ideas or explanations would be appreciated. Thanks. Greg Walters Webmaster Harrison School Distrct