Hi, I'm using Gimp cvs and I've never managed to make the Gimp-Perl extension working. Yesterday I've installed Gtk-Perl-0.5121 with the hope to finally test Gimp-Perl. The configure script at least accepted to build the perl plugins. But it refused to compile for an obscur reason (obscur for me) about the PDL. So I've installed the PDL package (PDL-2.002). Re-ran the configure script and tried to compile again. gcc then complain about a function declared twice in /usr/local/lib/site_perl/PDL/Core/ppport.h and in gppport.h since these two files seem to contain the same thing, I've patched gppport.h with this patch: --- gppport.h.orig Mon Sep 13 17:11:51 1999 +++ gppport.h Mon Sep 13 14:14:03 1999 @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ #ifndef _G_P_P_PORTABILITY_H_ #define _G_P_P_PORTABILITY_H_ +/* DDX added the next line... */ +#define _P_P_PORTABILITY_H_ + /* Perl/Pollution/Portability Version 1.0007-gimp-2 */ ----------------------------------------------------------- in order to prevent the inclusion of /usr/local/lib/site_perl/PDL/Core/ppport.h once gppport.h has been included. Then, the perl plugins compile and install OK. I was happy. So I've launched the newly installed gimp and discovered many new plugins. I've tried Golden mean and have the dialog box with the Camel displaying. But when I pressed OK, the plugin SegFault! I've then tried other perl-based plugins, all show a dialog box and SegFault when pressing OK. Did I make something wrong? I've also tried the same thing with Gimp-1.1.9 and have the same SegFault. My version of perl is 5.004_04. Can someone help me? Thanks, DindinX -- David.Odin@xxxxxxxxxxx Hope is a waking dream. -- Aristotle