Here's a possible GIMP bug discovered in the 1.1.9 OS/2 version: -------------------- Hi! I have a VERY bad bug here - it is 99% not OS/2 but please inform GIMP programmers about it. 1. Open any picture 2. Select clone tool "C" - select there to get source from image not from pattern 3. Ctrl-Click LMB anywhere! Be very accurate now! 4. Move pointer 2-3 pixels from old point 5. Press LMB and you'll see cursor # 2 is making ugly tracks on image!! 5 professional painters are using GIMP/2 now - this is one of their first annoying bugs found. ------------------------------- Asbjorn P. *********************************************************** * Asbjørn Pettersen Phone work: +47 77 66 08 91 * * Kongsberg Spacetec a.s Phone home: +47 77674022 * * Telefax: +47 77 65 58 59 * * Prestvannveien 38 www: * * N-9005 Tromsoe, Norway email:ape@xxxxxxxxxxx * ***********************************************************