RE: script patch and enhancements?

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Here is an updated patch against 'master' without a change to the shabang: 

diff --git a/tools/hist/ b/tools/hist/
index 62a4eb4..f71e6d0
--- a/tools/hist/
+++ b/tools/hist/
@@ -16,7 +16,10 @@
 import os
 import sys
 import pandas
+import re
 import numpy as np
+runascmd = False
 err = sys.stderr.write
@@ -64,8 +67,20 @@
 def weighted_average(vs, ws):
     return np.sum(vs * ws) / np.sum(ws)
-columns = ["end-time", "samples", "min", "avg", "median", "90%", "95%", "99%", "max"]
-percs   = [50, 90, 95, 99]
+percs = None
+columns = None
+def gen_output_columns(percentiles):
+    global percs,columns
+    strpercs = re.split('[,:]', percentiles)
+    percs = [50.0]  # always print 50% in 'median' column
+    percs.extend(list(map(float,strpercs)))
+    columns = ["end-time", "samples", "min", "avg", "median"]
+    columns.extend(list(map(lambda x: x+'%', strpercs)))
+    columns.append("max")
 def fmt_float_list(ctx, num=1):
   """ Return a comma separated list of float formatters to the required number
@@ -178,7 +193,11 @@
     avg = weighted_average(vs, ws)
     values = [mn, avg] + list(ps) + [mx]
     row = [end, ss_cnt] + [float(x) / ctx.divisor for x in values]
-    fmt = "%d, %d, %d, " + fmt_float_list(ctx, 5) + ", %d"
+    if ctx.divisor > 1:
+        fmt = "%d, %d, " + fmt_float_list(ctx, len(percs)+3)
+    else:
+        # max and min are decimal values if no divisor
+        fmt = "%d, %d, %d, " + fmt_float_list(ctx, len(percs)+1) + ", %d"
     print (fmt % tuple(row))
 def update_extreme(val, fncn, new_val):
@@ -207,7 +226,7 @@
         # Only look at bins of the current histogram sample which
         # started before the end of the current time interval [start,end]
-        start_times = (end_time - 0.5 * ctx.interval) - bin_vals / 1000.0
+        start_times = (end_time - 0.5 * ctx.interval) - bin_vals / ctx.time_divisor
         idx = np.where(start_times < iEnd)
         s_ts, l_bvs, u_bvs, hs = start_times[idx], lower_bin_vals[idx], upper_bin_vals[idx], hist[idx]
@@ -241,7 +260,7 @@
     idx = np.where(arr == hist_cols)
     if len(idx[1]) == 0:
         table = repr(arr.astype(int)).replace('-10', 'N/A').replace('array','     ')
-        err("Unable to determine bin values from input clat_hist files. Namely \n"
+        errmsg = ("Unable to determine bin values from input clat_hist files. Namely \n"
             "the first line of file '%s' " % ctx.FILE[0] + "has %d \n" % (__TOTAL_COLUMNS,) +
             "columns of which we assume %d " % (hist_cols,) + "correspond to histogram bins. \n"
             "This number needs to be equal to one of the following numbers:\n\n"
@@ -250,7 +269,12 @@
             "  - Input file(s) does not contain histograms.\n"
             "  - You recompiled fio with a different GROUP_NR. If so please specify this\n"
             "    new GROUP_NR on the command line with --group_nr\n")
-        exit(1)
+        if runascmd:
+            err(errmsg)
+            exit(1)
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError(errmsg) 
     return bins[idx[1][0]]
 def main(ctx):
@@ -274,9 +298,18 @@
                         ctx.interval = int(hist_msec)
                 except NoOptionError:
+    if not hasattr(ctx, 'percentiles'):
+        ctx.percentiles = "90,95,99"
+    gen_output_columns(ctx.percentiles)
     if ctx.interval is None:
         ctx.interval = 1000
+    if ctx.usbin:
+        ctx.time_divisor = 1000.0        # bins are in us
+    else:
+        ctx.time_divisor = 1000000.0     # bins are in ns
     # Automatically detect how many columns are in the input files,
     # calculate the corresponding 'coarseness' parameter used to generate
@@ -339,6 +372,7 @@
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     import argparse
+    runascmd = True
     p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
     arg = p.add_argument
     arg("FILE", help='space separated list of latency log filenames', nargs='+')
@@ -385,5 +419,18 @@
              'given histogram files. Useful for auto-detecting --log_hist_msec and '
              '--log_unix_epoch (in fio) values.')
+    arg('--percentiles',
+        default="90:95:99",
+        type=str,
+        help='Optional argument of comma or colon separated percentiles to print. '
+             'The default is "90.0:95.0:99.0".  min, median(50%%) and max percentiles are always printed')
+    arg('--usbin',
+        default=False,
+        action='store_true',
+        help='histogram bin latencies are in us (fio versions < 2.99. fio uses ns for version >= 2.99')
diff --git a/tools/hist/ b/tools/hist/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3e1be32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/hist/
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+    Utility for converting *_clat_hist* files generated by fio into latency statistics.
+    Example usage:
+            $ *_clat_hist*
+            end-time, samples, min, avg, median, 90%, 95%, 99%, max
+            1000, 15, 192, 1678.107, 1788.859, 1856.076, 1880.040, 1899.208, 1888.000
+            2000, 43, 152, 1642.368, 1714.099, 1816.659, 1845.552, 1888.131, 1888.000
+            4000, 39, 1152, 1546.962, 1545.785, 1627.192, 1640.019, 1691.204, 1744
+            ...
+    @author Karl Cronburg <karl.cronburg@xxxxxxxxx>
+    modification by Kris Davis <shimrot@xxxxxxxxx>
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+import numpy as np
+runascmd = False
+err = sys.stderr.write
+class HistFileRdr():
+    """ Class to read a hist file line by line, buffering 
+        a value array for the latest line, and allowing a preview
+        of the next timestamp in next line
+        Note: this does not follow a generator pattern, but must explicitly
+        get next bin array.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, file):
+        self.fp = open(file, 'r')
+ = self.nextData()
+    def close(self):
+        self.fp.close()
+        self.fp = None
+    def nextData(self):
+ = None
+        if self.fp: 
+            line = self.fp.readline()
+            if line == "":
+                self.close()
+            else:
+       = [int(x) for x in line.replace(' ', '').rstrip().split(',')]
+        return
+    @property
+    def curTS(self):
+        ts = None
+        if
+            ts =[0]
+        return ts
+    @property
+    def curBins(self):
+        return[3:]
+def weighted_percentile(percs, vs, ws):
+    """ Use linear interpolation to calculate the weighted percentile.
+        Value and weight arrays are first sorted by value. The cumulative
+        distribution function (cdf) is then computed, after which np.interp
+        finds the two values closest to our desired weighted percentile(s)
+        and linearly interpolates them.
+        percs  :: List of percentiles we want to calculate
+        vs     :: Array of values we are computing the percentile of
+        ws     :: Array of weights for our corresponding values
+        return :: Array of percentiles
+    """
+    idx = np.argsort(vs)
+    vs, ws = vs[idx], ws[idx] # weights and values sorted by value
+    cdf = 100 * (ws.cumsum() - ws / 2.0) / ws.sum()
+    return np.interp(percs, cdf, vs) # linear interpolation
+def weighted_average(vs, ws):
+    return np.sum(vs * ws) / np.sum(ws)
+percs = None
+columns = None
+def gen_output_columns(percentiles):
+    global percs,columns
+    strpercs = re.split('[,:]', percentiles)
+    percs = [50.0]  # always print 50% in 'median' column
+    percs.extend(list(map(float,strpercs)))
+    columns = ["end-time", "samples", "min", "avg", "median"]
+    columns.extend(list(map(lambda x: x+'%', strpercs)))
+    columns.append("max")
+def fmt_float_list(ctx, num=1):
+  """ Return a comma separated list of float formatters to the required number
+      of decimal places. For instance:
+        fmt_float_list(ctx.decimals=4, num=3) == "%.4f, %.4f, %.4f"
+  """
+  return ', '.join(["%%.%df" % ctx.decimals] * num)
+# Default values - see beginning of main() for how we detect number columns in
+# the input files:
+__HIST_COLUMNS = 1216
+def get_min(fps, arrs):
+    """ Find the file with the current first row with the smallest start time """
+    return min([fp for fp in fps if not arrs[fp] is None], key=lambda fp: arrs.get(fp)[0][0])
+def _plat_idx_to_val(idx, edge=0.5, FIO_IO_U_PLAT_BITS=6, FIO_IO_U_PLAT_VAL=64):
+    """ Taken from fio's stat.c for calculating the latency value of a bin
+        from that bin's index.
+            idx  : the value of the index into the histogram bins
+            edge : fractional value in the range [0,1]** indicating how far into
+            the bin we wish to compute the latency value of.
+        ** edge = 0.0 and 1.0 computes the lower and upper latency bounds
+           respectively of the given bin index. """
+    # MSB <= (FIO_IO_U_PLAT_BITS-1), cannot be rounded off. Use
+    # all bits of the sample as index
+    if (idx < (FIO_IO_U_PLAT_VAL << 1)):
+        return idx 
+    # Find the group and compute the minimum value of that group
+    error_bits = (idx >> FIO_IO_U_PLAT_BITS) - 1 
+    base = 1 << (error_bits + FIO_IO_U_PLAT_BITS)
+    # Find its bucket number of the group
+    k = idx % FIO_IO_U_PLAT_VAL
+    # Return the mean (if edge=0.5) of the range of the bucket
+    return base + ((k + edge) * (1 << error_bits))
+def plat_idx_to_val_coarse(idx, coarseness, edge=0.5):
+    """ Converts the given *coarse* index into a non-coarse index as used by fio
+        in stat.h:plat_idx_to_val(), subsequently computing the appropriate
+        latency value for that bin.
+        """
+    # Multiply the index by the power of 2 coarseness to get the bin
+    # bin index with a max of 1536 bins (FIO_IO_U_PLAT_GROUP_NR = 24 in stat.h)
+    stride = 1 << coarseness
+    idx = idx * stride
+    lower = _plat_idx_to_val(idx, edge=0.0)
+    upper = _plat_idx_to_val(idx + stride, edge=1.0)
+    return lower + (upper - lower) * edge
+def print_all_stats(ctx, end, mn, ss_cnt, vs, ws, mx):
+    ps = weighted_percentile(percs, vs, ws)
+    avg = weighted_average(vs, ws)
+    values = [mn, avg] + list(ps) + [mx]
+    row = [end, ss_cnt] + [float(x) / ctx.divisor for x in values]
+    if ctx.divisor > 1:
+        fmt = "%d, %d, " + fmt_float_list(ctx, len(percs)+3)
+    else:
+        # max and min are decimal values if no divisor
+        fmt = "%d, %d, %d, " + fmt_float_list(ctx, len(percs)+1) + ", %d"
+    print (fmt % tuple(row))
+def update_extreme(val, fncn, new_val):
+    """ Calculate min / max in the presence of None values """
+    if val is None: return new_val
+    else: return fncn(val, new_val)
+# See beginning of main() for how bin_vals are computed
+bin_vals = []
+lower_bin_vals = [] # lower edge of each bin
+upper_bin_vals = [] # upper edge of each bin 
+def process_interval(ctx, iHist, iEnd):
+    """ print estimated percentages for the given merged sample
+    """
+    ss_cnt = 0 # number of samples affecting this interval
+    mn_bin_val, mx_bin_val = None, None
+    # Update total number of samples affecting current interval histogram:
+    ss_cnt += np.sum(iHist)
+    # Update min and max bin values
+    idxs = np.nonzero(iHist != 0)[0]
+    if idxs.size > 0:
+        mn_bin_val = bin_vals[idxs[0]]
+        mx_bin_val = bin_vals[idxs[-1]]
+    if ss_cnt > 0: print_all_stats(ctx, iEnd, mn_bin_val, ss_cnt, bin_vals, iHist, mx_bin_val)
+def guess_max_from_bins(ctx, hist_cols):
+    """ Try to guess the GROUP_NR from given # of histogram
+        columns seen in an input file """
+    max_coarse = 8
+    if ctx.group_nr < 19 or ctx.group_nr > 26:
+        bins = [ctx.group_nr * (1 << 6)]
+    else:
+        bins = [1216,1280,1344,1408,1472,1536,1600,1664]
+    coarses = range(max_coarse + 1)
+    fncn = lambda z: list(map(lambda x: z/2**x if z % 2**x == 0 else -10, coarses))
+    arr = np.transpose(list(map(fncn, bins)))
+    idx = np.where(arr == hist_cols)
+    if len(idx[1]) == 0:
+        table = repr(arr.astype(int)).replace('-10', 'N/A').replace('array','     ')
+        errmsg = ("Unable to determine bin values from input clat_hist files. Namely \n"
+            "the first line of file '%s' " % ctx.FILE[0] + "has %d \n" % (__TOTAL_COLUMNS,) +
+            "columns of which we assume %d " % (hist_cols,) + "correspond to histogram bins. \n"
+            "This number needs to be equal to one of the following numbers:\n\n"
+            + table + "\n\n"
+            "Possible reasons and corresponding solutions:\n"
+            "  - Input file(s) does not contain histograms.\n"
+            "  - You recompiled fio with a different GROUP_NR. If so please specify this\n"
+            "    new GROUP_NR on the command line with --group_nr\n")
+        if runascmd:
+            err(errmsg)
+            exit(1)
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError(errmsg) 
+    return bins[idx[1][0]]
+def main(ctx):
+    if ctx.job_file:
+        try:
+            from configparser import SafeConfigParser, NoOptionError
+        except ImportError:
+            from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser, NoOptionError
+        cp = SafeConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
+        with open(ctx.job_file, 'r') as fp:
+            cp.readfp(fp)
+        if ctx.interval is None:
+            # Auto detect --interval value
+            for s in cp.sections():
+                try:
+                    hist_msec = cp.get(s, 'log_hist_msec')
+                    if hist_msec is not None:
+                        ctx.interval = int(hist_msec)
+                except NoOptionError:
+                    pass
+    if not hasattr(ctx, 'percentiles'):
+        ctx.percentiles = "90,95,99"
+    gen_output_columns(ctx.percentiles)
+    if ctx.interval is None:
+        ctx.interval = 1000
+    # Automatically detect how many columns are in the input files,
+    # calculate the corresponding 'coarseness' parameter used to generate
+    # those files, and calculate the appropriate bin latency values:
+    with open(ctx.FILE[0], 'r') as fp:
+        global bin_vals,lower_bin_vals,upper_bin_vals,__HIST_COLUMNS,__TOTAL_COLUMNS
+        __TOTAL_COLUMNS = len(fp.readline().split(','))
+        max_cols = guess_max_from_bins(ctx, __HIST_COLUMNS)
+        coarseness = int(np.log2(float(max_cols) / __HIST_COLUMNS))
+        bin_vals = np.array([plat_idx_to_val_coarse(x, coarseness) for x in np.arange(__HIST_COLUMNS)], dtype=float)
+        lower_bin_vals = np.array([plat_idx_to_val_coarse(x, coarseness, 0.0) for x in np.arange(__HIST_COLUMNS)], dtype=float)
+        upper_bin_vals = np.array([plat_idx_to_val_coarse(x, coarseness, 1.0) for x in np.arange(__HIST_COLUMNS)], dtype=float)
+    fps = [HistFileRdr(f) for f in ctx.FILE]
+    print(', '.join(columns))
+    start = 0
+    end = ctx.interval
+    while True:
+        more_data = False
+        # add bins from all files in target intervals
+        arr = None
+        numSamples = 0
+        while True:
+            foundSamples = False
+            for fp in fps:
+                ts = fp.curTS
+                if ts and ts+10 < end:  # shift sample time when very close to an end time                 
+                    numSamples += 1
+                    foundSamples = True
+                    if arr is None: 
+                        arr = np.zeros(shape=(__HIST_COLUMNS), dtype=int)
+                    arr = np.add(arr, fp.curBins)
+                    more_data = True
+                    fp.nextData()
+                elif ts:
+                    more_data = True
+            # reached end of all files
+            # or gone through all files without finding sample in interval 
+            if not more_data or not foundSamples:
+                break
+        if arr is not None:
+            #print("{} size({}) samples({}) nonzero({}):".format(end, arr.size, numSamples, np.count_nonzero(arr)), str(arr), )
+            process_interval(ctx, arr, end)         
+        # reach end of all files
+        if not more_data:
+            break
+        start += ctx.interval
+        end = start + ctx.interval
+        #if end > 20000: break
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    import argparse
+    runascmd = True
+    p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    arg = p.add_argument
+    arg("FILE", help='space separated list of latency log filenames', nargs='+')
+    arg('--buff_size',
+        default=10000,
+        type=int,
+        help='number of samples to buffer into numpy at a time')
+    arg('--max_latency',
+        default=20,
+        type=float,
+        help='number of seconds of data to process at a time')
+    arg('-i', '--interval',
+        type=int,
+        help='interval width (ms), default 1000 ms '
+        '(no weighting between samples performed, results represent sample period only)')
+    arg('-d', '--divisor',
+        required=False,
+        type=int,
+        default=1,
+        help='divide the results by this value.')
+    arg('--decimals',
+        default=3,
+        type=int,
+        help='number of decimal places to print floats to')
+    arg('--warn',
+        dest='warn',
+        action='store_true',
+        default=False,
+        help='print warning messages to stderr')
+    arg('--group_nr',
+        default=29,
+        type=int,
+        help='FIO_IO_U_PLAT_GROUP_NR as defined in stat.h')
+    arg('--job-file',
+        default=None,
+        type=str,
+        help='Optional argument pointing to the job file used to create the '
+             'given histogram files. Useful for auto-detecting --log_hist_msec and '
+             '--log_unix_epoch (in fio) values.')
+    arg('--percentiles',
+        default="90,95,99",
+        type=str,
+        help='Optional argument of comma or colon separated percentiles to print. '
+             'The default is "90.0,95.0,99.0".  min, median(50%%) and max percentiles are always printed')
+    main(p.parse_args())

Kris Davis

-----Original Message-----
From: Sitsofe Wheeler [mailto:sitsofe@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2018 12:25 PM
To: Kris Davis <Kris.Davis@xxxxxxx>
Cc: Vincent Fu <vincentfu@xxxxxxxxx>; Vincent Fu <Vincent.Fu@xxxxxxx>; fio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Jens Axboe <axboe@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: script patch and enhancements?

For what it's worth I feel your pain and I think it's impossible to win until there's only one version of Python actively left. My hope is by making it consistent across all the fio scripts everyone will be the same jam and will at least be able to do a find/replace.

Perhaps someone should suggest a PEP which is an interpreter line that is just a line like preferredpython[2,3] and everyone is just expected to run a small conversion tool before starting to use it. Said conversion tool can rewrite the line to be env based, absolute, prefer python 3 to python 2 if when it's a Sunday and the weather's good...

On 21 February 2018 at 17:45, Kris Davis <Kris.Davis@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Sigh...
> So much for trying to have it work for either python3 or python2.
> The doc you referenced does say: "If the executables provide the same functionality independent of whether they are run on top of Python 2 or Python 3, then only the Python 3 version of the executable should be packaged."
> However, since 2.7 runs so much faster, and 2.7 is still the default for the near future, I agree we should stay with 2.7.   I'll back out that tweak and create a new patch.

Sitsofe |

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