On Fri, Dec 17, 2004 at 03:56:34PM -0700, Michal Jaegermann wrote: > In /etc/aliases you probably have lines like that: > > # Person who should get root's mail > #root: marc > > Maybe install should ask data for this alias and fill that lines > unless specifically and emphatically declined? The big advantage is > that this solves the issue in a general way instead for some > specific cases like smart. Yes, it'd be nice if firstboot or the installer could do this. However, I highly, highly recommend not trying to have some program manage (or mangle!) entries in /etc/aliases. Instead: root: :include: /etc/rootalias and then have the program drop root aliases into its own clean, separate file. For BU Linux, this is exactly what we do, and then we have a script which (unless configured differently in "/etc/sysconfig/rootalias-manager") adds members of the wheel group to this alias automatically. Later today, I'll file a bug making the small /etc/rootalias recommendation as a first step. -- Matthew Miller mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx <http://www.mattdm.org/> Boston University Linux ------> <http://linux.bu.edu/>