On 2013-06-13 15:42 (GMT-0700) Adam Williamson composed:
All existing partitions are shown in the tree
view on the left hand side of custom partitioning. You can select one
and assign a mount point to it on the right hand side, and choose
whether or not to reformat it.
Its unintuitive logic has me pretty well baffled. I started my first new
installation since December on Wednesday evening. Since then, all my F19s had
been the result of F18 upgrades, most of which were F17 upgrades, many of
which were F16 upgrades. I didn't like Fedora's old installer much. I like
the current one a lot less.
I started with this partititon layout:
When I started, sda20 was a freshly created empty EXT3, and my target for
F19's /. In spite of a huge variety of difficulty, a few hours after
beginning I somehow managed to get a working "Basic Desktop" installed onto
it, followed by adding as much of KDE as I'll ever use, for a net 73% used of
the total 4.8G partition size.
More than 60% of the gross time since beginning, at least 15 hours estimated
net, I was doing nothing unrelated to F19 installation, including trying
unsuccessfully to get a minimal installation onto the identically sized
sda19. Each time I got as far as
http://fm.no-ip.com/SS/Fedora/anaconda19tc3-06parts-0768.png and no further
than being told insufficient space
http://fm.no-ip.com/SS/Fedora/anaconda19tc3-11addfailure-1024.png &
http://fm.no-ip.com/SS/Fedora/anaconda19tc3-04partoptions-1200.png even
though available space for / on sda19 is identical to the successful and
larger http://fm.no-ip.com/SS/Fedora/fedora19tc3-KDEinstsum.png installation.
It let me select the empty 4.8G partitions for formatting, but no amount of
clicking on the add mount point or configure selected mount point buttons
would allow me any progress in attempting to fill in the partition
characteristics fields - until: in advance of beginning an installation
attempt, I put a filesystem on the never-used-previously target /
Is absence of any filesystem on a target / supposed to block installation???
http://fm.no-ip.com/SS/Fedora/ has screenshots mostly of the installation
process, in part because without them the problems have been too numerous to
for me to be able to remember. My difficulty with Anaconda's wheel logic is
compounded by the illegibility of its tiny gray text on gray background. I've
spent a lot of time trying to figure out some way to get legible text. The
closest thing to a solution I've been able to come up with is using both
video= and resolution= on cmdline, both set much lower than the CRT's
preferred mode, with the X resolution much lower than my personal preferred
mode. A byproduct of coming up with it is I did some editing of
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda_Boot_Options, initially replacing
resolution= with video=, then adding resolution= back, as video only affects
the KMS framebuffer, while resolution only affects X.
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)
Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!
Felix Miata *** http://fm.no-ip.com/
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