Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
On Tue, 2006-12-05 at 10:06 -0600, Rex Dieter wrote:
Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
On Mon, 2006-12-04 at 15:36 -0600, Rex Dieter wrote:
I posted this proposal awhile back:
I'm sorry I missed the initial announcement of this. I think your
revisions make sense after xdg-utils go into Core and the requirement
tree for gtk2 is in place (hicolor-icon-theme should work fine for
this). Changing the guidelines before that would break things that
currently work. (Or we could place a hard Require:s on xdg-utils until
it was fixed.)
In any case, nothing would break. At worst, gtk apps would suffer a
performance penalty, at least until gtk2 is fixed:
(a personal packaging pet-peave).
Yes. Which is a regression.
I agree that 170335 should be fixed, though.
Bingo. Bugs should be addressed in their proper domain, and I would
argue strongly that the proper domain in the gtk2 (bug #170335) case is
*gtk2*, not Packaging/Guidelines.
-- Rex
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