Re: Single sourced summary (was Re: Beta Release Notes)

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On Thu, 2008-03-06 at 22:00 +0000, Paul W. Frields wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-03-04 at 17:22 -0800, Karsten 'quaid' Wade wrote:

> > What the SSS is not -- 

> >         Stable:  expect it to change constantly; don't use it with an
> >         Include() macro but copy/fork
> This last item is where you lose me, but then again, I'm easily lost (as
> anyone who's ridden in my car knows).  One of the goals of a SSS -- I
> thought -- was to allow us to include the content elsewhere multiple
> times, and not have to repeatedly check multiple pages to see that
> they'd all been changed uniformly.  This was a big problem in the last
> Release Notes cycle where a contributor made a change to one source
> document, and I (as one of the release notes editors) had to carry that
> change, and fix the resulting translation POT material, in several
> documents.

Maybe I was a bit overboard with that description.  Maybe it's more
that, unlike other parts that we Include(), this one is apt to change
during the release cycle.  Don't stick it in and forget to occasionally
re-read -- to make sure your lead-in makes sense, the formatting is
sane, that it doesn't now have information that you covered in another
part of the page that uses the Include() macro, etc.

So instead:

The SSS is not:

        Overly stable:  expect it to change throughout the release
        cycle, so if you Include() it, make sure to check that the
        meaning/format still works where you included it.


- Karsten
Karsten Wade, Developer Community Mgr.
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