Re: Initial Proposal for doing Enterprise Extras

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On 9/15/06, Rex Dieter <rdieter@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Stephen John Smoogen wrote:

> I would like to suggest the following plan for Enterprise Extras:
> 1) There are 4 channels per {Scientific/Centos} Enterprise Linux
>      extras
>      extras-devel
>      extras-testing
>      extras-updates

Frankly, *way* too much complexity here.  Heck, we don't even have
a -testing repo for FE yet.  When/if we figure out -testing for *all* of
Extras, then EE will naturally benefit from it as well.


This project will take off or it won't, we should probably let items
like this mature on their own as time goes on and the need for them
becomes more apparent.  No need to add overhead to something that
doesn't even exist yet ;-)


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