Re: reviving Fedora Legacy

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On 13.10.2008 15:09, Ralf Corsepius wrote:
On Mon, 2008-10-13 at 14:56 +0200, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
On 13.10.2008 14:18, David Woodhouse wrote:
On Sun, 2008-10-12 at 11:35 +0200, Ralf Corsepius wrote:
> [...]
"1" sounds stupid, but afaics it's really a big problem for a lot of people. They simply view CentOS as something completely different, which it IMHO not really is.
I disagree, CentOS and Fedora are completely different, e.g. on the
"project control/management" side, target-audience wise and
Of course they are quite different in those areas. But when RHEL5 came 
out it felt and looked a lot like a slightly modified and enhanced 
Fedora Core 5 or 6 (which it was)-- that is want I meant ;-)
Or maybe RH should simply start to distribute the RHEL bits freely.
And this would be an even better alternative, but it's not that I would
expect this to ever happen.
Well, if things continue like in the past two years then the younger 
generation will only learn the Debian and Ubuntu way; that will 
influence the decisions which Linux distribution to take when those 
people get older and become decisions makers (the Wikipedia change is a 
good example for it afaics). Hence Red Hat and Fedora afaics really need 
to change some things become a bit more popular again if Red Hat wants 
to continue making money in the long run ;-)

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