Les Mikesell wrote:
Andrew Farris wrote:
there needs to be some plan to actually make sure that
happens so we don't mislead users. A purpose and scope defined well
enough so that I can track some sort of performance metric.
Does such a thing("some sort of performance metric") exist for Fedora
That would be impossible... one cannot have a performance metric of
something so vague as a whole project this size (except in politics).
If you can't measure something, how can you ever improve it - or know
whether you did?
You can't. Thats the point I was making. It is impossible to measure against a
'metric' thats not observable/quantifiable/finite. So Richard asks about
measuring Fedora; can't be done. Commits/day to cvs, package changes, users
logged into systems, bug reported, etc, are measurable. So is the number of
random unrelated emails sent to devel-list per hour!
(ah the irony of this reply existing itself, with mostly pointless drivel)
Andrew Farris <lordmorgul@xxxxxxxxx> www.lordmorgul.net
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No one now has, and no one will ever again get, the big picture. - Daniel Geer
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