Re: KDE logout options with F8

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Rahul Sundaram wrote:
My arguments have remained purely technical so far and please do point out where I have expressed any hostility. It seems the other way around to me.
I'm seeing it expressed in both directions, though you might not be 
aware of it.  For instance, complaining to me about how other people 
suck and are accusing you of having various agendas is a form of 
hostility toward the other people, and when you brought it up in the 
direct mail to me which had no relation to my post, I'm reading it as:
"This idea seems great, but stop accusing me of stuff.  Others were too. 
 If we suck, it's no wonder why".  This immediately puts me on the 
defensive as I'm wondering what I said to provoke this reaction from you.
Again, you are a former Fedora Board member.  Please find better places 
to express your dissatisfaction(s).  In other words, knock it off (not 
just you).  I'm tired of the bickering, and this is detracting from the 
main point I was making:
We are looking to have a more neutral backend.  This is good for both 
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