Re: plans for long term support releases?

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Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
Le Mer 17 janvier 2007 09:41, Thomas M Steenholdt a écrit :
Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
Le mardi 16 janvier 2007 à 23:26 +0100, Thomas M Steenholdt a écrit :

I've heard mention so many times, that it's a problem, people don't see
Fedora as a serious distribution for non-desktop/-testing use. I think
that this is exactly the problem. We want to be bleeding edge, but at
the same time it would be nice if an installed version could be trusted
to not break too often because of updates.
In the Fedora space that means making updates safer¹, not finding ways
to avoid updates.

¹ and supporting continuous yum updating with no anaconda stage

Indeed. And I have no problem with things changing, as long as they keep
working. But let the updates flow for a longer period of time for a
branched version we could call Fedora LTS (or sumthin).
Given the Fedora churn rate, I hope you realise that means you'll get a
85% new distro at about the time the Fedora new release happens, without
the testing associated to a new release.

With LTS you'll definitely get what amounts to a 100% new release without
the testing

I realize this is not something you simply decide and it works. So help 
bring the pieces together and let's see if it's possible in one way or 
another. That is, unless you feel that it's simply out-of-scope for 
Fedora, which would also be valid input.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

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