Bill, You might want to repost this questions so that it doesn't appear as part of an existing thread (bad form). As a rule of thumb, if your post isn't part of the current thread, don't click on reply to start a new one. (You could click on the email address for the list instead and then go from there). Also, this question is off-topic for devel (a list for develpoment issues). Try fedora-list instead. Rodd On Tue, 2005-02-22 at 16:06 -0800, Bill Rees wrote: >Hi All, > I've tried installing FC3 several times with differing setups and >for each install, the final reboot hangs right as "configuring kernel >parameters" prints out. What is going on at this stage and what may be >the problem? I've done one FC3 install before on the same motherboard >(shuttle AK32v3.1) that worked just fine. The only difference I can see >is the processor is different (faster). > > Any thoughts anyone? I'm going to try a live cd image boot and >replace the kernel with a 2.6.8 variant and see if that makes any >difference. > >Bill Rees >Nascar Sillicon Motor Speedway >