Re: F27 System Wide Change: Graphical Applications as Flatpaks

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----- Original Message -----
> Am 17.07.2017 um 12:16 schrieb Bastien Nocera:
> > It's like you didn't listen to the arguments when this feature was
> > implemented in Fedora years ago, and continue not to.
> > You're wrong, and the fact that you keep insisting you're not is frankly
> > intellectual dishonesty.
> > 
> > If you really believe you're correct, try to kill your X server in the
> > middle of an upgrade... Or simply re-read the tons of examples in the old
> > threads.
> guess what happens when "dnf "i s running within a screen session and
> "KillUserProcesses=no" is set other then the silly default - the upgrade
> continues without any issue

Offline upgrades predate this systemd feature by a number of years. You also
completely dismiss the amount of work that might be needed to make it use
screen, whether screen can survive all the changes underneath it.

> so fix the update tools to work implicit that way instead burry the
> wrong handling with "oh we apply updates due reboot"

"Fixing the update tools" doesn't fix the breakage handled by applications
when you change files from underneath them. Again, read the original threads
to get a complete picture.

And when you take it all into account, the fix looks something like Flatpak,
with atomic upgrades, and parallel installation.
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