Re: [Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Beta Test Compose 8 (TC8) Available Now!

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On 11/12/2012 08:56 AM, Adam Williamson wrote:
On 2012-11-11 22:02, Panu Matilainen wrote:
Based on a quick grep, it doesn't seem to consider obsoletion at all,
which explains what I see on the DVD and perhaps deserves looking at.
I think the basic idea is that pungi isn't supposed to painfully
re-implement yum.
Meh. Of course not. But unlike yum, pungi deals with space-constrained 
images and if it ends up pulling useless cruft in those images then it's 
not doing the best job it can for the very specific task it has.
If packages are obsoleted, they're supposed to be
retired. If something's obsoleted but not retired, that's a packaging
No disagreement there. But quite obviously nothing is currently finding 
those packaging errors, much of the "suspect items" list I posted has 
been there for years already. Just haven't gotten around to mention it 
I'll shut up now and go see if I can actually do something about it.

	- Panu -
devel mailing list

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