On 04/17/2012 11:17 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:
On Apr 17, 2012, at 2:32 PM, Al Dunsmuir wrote:
On Tuesday, April 17, 2012, 4:15:53 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:
On Apr 17, 2012, at 1:49 PM, Andreas Tunek wrote:
I do not see anything in the f17 feature page describing any graphical
configuration tool. But I also agree that gui configuratio is needed,
otherwise it will probably be really difficult to do things like connect
via ssh or share via rygel or other dlna server.
"firewall-config is the main configuration tool"
It also says "is"... but in spite of the use of the present tense,
that tool is not available on the Fedora 17 Beta.?
I speculate many or most people disable firewalld. This was an explicit recommendation during Virtualization Test Day. So it's not just the config tool that isn't getting as much testing as it otherwise would. For the LiveCD, it needs to be a GUI configurable, and work, because firewalld is enabled by default.
I am working with libvirt upstream to get firewalld support in libvirt.
There are patches for firewalld support in libvirt, but without
firewalld reload support. The dbus code is not working corrytly in
libvirt, currently.
If reversion is going to occur back to iptables and its Firewall tool, slipping that in a final RC seems risky. That combo hasn't been tested since early alpha. And in effect neither firewall package is getting nearly as much testing before final.
I feel that firewalld's updated man pages and GUI config tool need to appear by final TC1, or reversion should occur.
The man pages and more documentation will be released in a new package
this week. firewall-config will not be finished before F-17 GOLD.
Chris Murphy
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