Re: starting Fedora Server SIG

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Bill Nottingham wrote:
Martin Langhoff (martin.langhoff@xxxxxxxxx) said:
It's already a bit of a black art to know what things to tweak to turn
Fedora into a server-style configuration without breaking things. And
it's growing -- in this thread I've learned about how to get the
text-mode plymouth plugin. I'm sure there's lots more.
Don't worry, we made that knowledge obsolete.
That's the real problem...  Managing unix-like systems has always been 
something of a specialized art, but typically worth learning because you 
can re-use the knowledge for years/decades even though different vendors 
have always tried to make it difficult to use their training with 
anything else.  But that doesn't seem to apply any more.  How do you 
expect places that manage servers to keep their 24x7 operations staff 
(in several locations...) aware of all the administrative differences 
from day to day and among versions likely to be running concurrently? 
If you can completely automate something, fine, but I do not believe 
there is any chance of doing that correctly for anything but trivial 
(and client...) configurations.  So how do we get the dynamic gunk out 
of the way on the more complex machines providing the services?
  Les Mikesell

fedora-devel-list mailing list

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