Re: A download location for cephadm (take 2)

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On 5/18/2023 6:56 AM, John Mulligan wrote:

That code is also present in the "ceph-dev-build" and "ceph-build" jobs
(which do candidate builds for named releases and final release builds,
respectively), and indeed cephadm is present in the rpm repos (for
example, but I
don't see the cephadm binary on for deb repos.  (It's
probably the "sync to" step being unaware it should
copy anything besides .deb.)

Unfortunately, I don't think this RPM derived cephadm is appropriate for
general uses. RPM mangles the shebang line to something RH-distro specific so
this `cephadm` wouldn't work properly on distros like debian, ubuntu, etc. I
think it does this to the zipapp too - but I would need to verify it.

Oh, I wasn't suggesting to use the RPM version for deb releases, just that half the solution makes it all the way to the release website.

I'm aware of (and but all I can get from it
is JSON and I would like to inspect the actual binary. I'm probably not using
the proper interface but I don't know where to look.

shaman is the querier for where to find binaries; chacra is the storage, and generally not meant to be queried directly (although you can, shaman has the better interfaces). See the readme at for how to query programmatically, or poke around the website interface.

The problem is that the repo construction doesn't carry that binary over by default; that's the missing piece. I was wrong about it only affecting; it doesn't show up in the actual deb repos for ceph-ci builds either.

You *can* drill down and find it, but you have to find the specific chacra host (of [1234].chacra) that contains the binary and then go find it in that repo, which involves either logging in or knowing something magic about the URLs that I've currently forgotten :)

so the deb repo construction bit needs some work.

If the file extracted from the ubuntu deb package does not get mangled and the
shebang simply refers to `python3` then we'd be good there once the issue with
the deb release process is resolved.

I'm pretty sure the binary in the package doesn't get mangled at install time, so whatever's there by definition should run on the OS it's built for.

My suggestion would be to debug the issue with the deb release process,
and document that the binary can be found in the appropriate path
corresponding to the release in

Sounds like a plan, is that something you expect us to do, or is it something
you are planning to do? I'm happy to help but I'm afraid I wouldn't know where
to start so at least I'd need some initial "hand holding".


I'm sorta up to my ears in fires with the lab at this moment, but I can work with whoever to help and advise; if you have time, DM me somehow and we can look into it together.

On 5/16/2023 10:10 AM, John Mulligan wrote:
Hi Dan & others,

A few months back we (the Orchestration team working on cephadm),
the new compiled [1] cephadm in a CLT call and we briefly discussed it on
the list [2]. I wanted to revisit that conversation as Reef's release is
quickly coming up.

To summarize:
Previous versions of Ceph contained a single python source file for
cephadm. Upstream users were instructed to copy this source file directly
out of the Ceph git tree and execute the file using python. Now, the ceph
build process creates an executable python zipapp from the source file
and the old instructions are out of date.

We would like to request assistance with making it possible for users who
are planning on bootstrapping clusters to download an already compiled
version of cephadm from a canonical location. A secondary goal would also
be to sign that binary. However, I would treat that as a nice to have
since the current workflow doesn't have this.

I'd love to discuss the technical aspects of this and get some code to
implement this in place. I'd be happy to continue the conversation here -
or if you prefer - in the discussion forum of your choice.  Thanks very

[1] - It is still python, and it's not compiled to native binaries but is
rather a zipapp -

[2] - I wanted to link to the previous discussion but neither the
Archived-At header url or search turn it up. So maybe it got lost in the
infra issues a while back. If you need references to the previous thread,
I can forward them because I still have them on my mailserver.

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