Please disregard my original report about firefox being broken.
On Wed, 11
Oct 2017, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2017 09:10:31
From: Linux for blind general discussion <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Aiyumi <>
Subject: Re: [Testers wanted before the official release] Slint64-4.2.1
release candidate is accessible.
Le 10/10/2017 ? 22:04, Linux for blind general discussion a ?crit :
I just tested the upgraded version of firefox available on the slint
repository today and found it very broken. What happened once I hit
enter to accept firefox as default browser was a welcome to firefox
message I heard so I tried navigating with keys like tab and the
key acted like the tab key got broken. This was also very much the
case with the rest of the keys on my keyboard including orca flat
I now think that at first I have misunderstood your message.
If I understand well you are not saying that this firefox version is not
accessible, rather that the first start didn't go well and somehow had
negative side effect on your keyboard's behavior.
Is that right?
For your information the Firefox we provide is just a rebuild of
Mozilla's official binary, and the same is true for the one provided by
Salix (whose full name end in gv).
I powered down and restarted after getting out of there so
firefox-safe may be good for a while longer.
By firefox-safe, do you mean staring firefox like below?
firefox --safe-mode
@Aiyumi:do you observe the same behavior?
Didier Spaier
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