I have this version of slint installed and talking in console mode so
far. I'll test the graphical user interface after doing some
post-install and getting slapt-get up and working. I need to test
network connection too. With slint, the dvd runs once installed for a
while then stops. I hit enter once then slint found my speakers and in
a little bit started talking. Once it was installed with lilo, I had to
hit enter after boot for the system to come up and start talking. This
is for those that never installed a slackware system before so you know
to not give up at those apparent stop points. Great having accessible
slackware back and more accessible than original slackware ended up
being since slint works with sound cards for speech.
On Sun, 8 Oct 2017, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2017 10:07:09
From: Linux for blind general discussion <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Cc: slint@xxxxxxxx
Subject: [Testers wanted before the official release] Slint64-4.2.1 release
candidate is accessible.
this message is a request for testing the upcoming Slint64-14.2.1 by
visually impaired potential users.
Slint is a Linux distribution based on Slackware and Salix, polyglot,
versatile and beginners friendly, cf. our wiki http://slint.fr
A full Slint installation is functional out of the box and can be
tailored to fit most computing requirements.
The current stable version can be installed and used with braille.
The incoming Slint64-14.2.1 will be fully accessible to visually
impaired users, using speech and or a braille device, from installation
to everyday usage in a console as well as in graphical environments.
Several accessible graphical environments are included in the release
candidate ISO, that can be downloaded here:
Namely: BlackBox, Fluxbox, Fvwm, LXDE, WindowMaker, XFCE
In addition, Mat? can be installed with a simple command.
For package management, Slint mostly uses slapt-get, similar to apt-get
but adapted to packages in the Slackware format.
The main software used to provide speech are espeakup with espeak on
the console, orca with espeak-ng, speech-dispatcher and at-spi in
graphical environments. pulseaudio is the sound server used.
brltty is used for braille, both on the console and in graphical
environments, orca communicating with brlapi in the latter case.
zero configuration post installation is needed for the first regular
user created during installation to get speech in the installed system,
if speech was used during installation. brltty is started during
installation and by default in the installed system.
To increase the accessibility of graphical environments, the same key
bindings are set in all mentioned above:
Alt+F1 pops up the panel's Application menu
Alt+F2 pops up a Run dialog (but in Fluxbox)
Alt+F4 closes the focused window
Alt+Tab cycle between windows, giving the raised one the focus.
All panels' application menus shipped have the same layout. From top to
Terminal emulator (lxterminal by default)
File manager (PCManfm by default)
Web browser (Mozilla Firefox by default)
Mail client (Mozilla Thunderbird by default)
Slint Dashboard (alas non accessible yet as it's a Qt4 app)
Applications sorted by category
Run dialog
Logout dialog
To know more please read:
You can post your findings answering this message in the list, and also
in Slint's mailing list:
and in our forum:
I am thankful to the many people who helped me develop this new version,
including of course the developers of the a11y software used and also
Aiyumi Moriya, author of this blog post:
that got me started.
I look forward for your testing results and feedback.
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