OK, thanks a lot Mario. I think this synthetiser is very expensive but it should be a great method for me to have a french tts if we can obtain the specs in order to make it run under Linux ! Then Mario if you have more information from them let me know ! And an idea : Why not connecting a such box to a PDA running Linux ? I think this box can be connected to a Nokia mobilphone running Epoc. Thanks. -- Nath *********** REPLY SEPARATOR *********** On 25/10/02 at 13:49 Mario Lang wrote: >"Nath" <nath31@ifrance.com> writes: > >> capable of running under linux ? > >They say its OS independent. Seems to be controlled via >rs232, so if they give the specs of that api away, it >should work just fine. > >> And someone who speaks deutsch can read the web page and translate >> the specifications for me ? Thanks in advance. > >Well, there isnt much there. They claim to support 6 languages. >Physical measurements are 10x7x3 cm. >You can buy a boxed version, or a version for onboard use... > >It needs around 6v power, and is feed through a external >powersupply or through pin 5 and 9 of tthe rs232. > >It seems they have no usb version :((( > >I'll contact them now to get more information... > > >-- >CYa, > Mario > > > >_______________________________________________ > >Blinux-list@redhat.com >https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/blinux-list >___________________________________________________________________ >Haut D�bit: Modem offert soit 150,92 euros rembours�s sur le Pack eXtense >de Wanadoo ! >Profitez du Haut D�bit � partir de 30 euros/mois : http://www.ifrance.com/_reloc/w ___________________________________________________________________ Haut D�bit: Modem offert soit 150,92 euros rembours�s sur le Pack eXtense de Wanadoo ! Profitez du Haut D�bit � partir de 30 euros/mois : http://www.ifrance.com/_reloc/w _______________________________________________ Blinux-list@redhat.com https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/blinux-list