if you select a link in lynx, the page will eb blanked and the new page will be read from the net. Okay, the old page may remain on screen for some time ;) Do set the show_cursor directive in your lynx.config file, this will put the cursor at the start of the link you are at. Also set usermdoe to advanced. This wil print the url of the link youa re at at the bottom of the screen instead of the help-mode you need not to rely on helpmode on your screen anymore, but that's obvious Hope this helps a bit -- slainte mhaith (good health), slainte (cheers) Uisce Beatha (water of live/health) ----------- Andor Demarteau E-mail: ademarte@students.cs.uu.nl student computer science www: http://www.students.cs.uu.nl/~ademarte/ Utrecht University irc: see webpage for details ----------- Believe in yourself, know what you want, and make it happen!