Hi all, I'm new to Linux and especially with BRLTTY. I use a 20 sized braille display, and I run a Debian Woody. I'd like to know how to make lynx tell me if something is a link or not, and mainly if it is "selected" or not. I don't know if we can check the characters' color, anyway I think it isn't very friendly/easy to browse and always change from real page to another mode that tells colors... (I said I even don't know if BRLTTY does that - it could be a good idea :-)). So, I'd like to customize lynx to put, for example, stars arround selected link and opposed hard braces arround all other unselected links. I don't know if already visited links are different from general links in lynx, but we could imagine that if they are, we would arround them with soft braces. i.e. : *link selected*, ]unselected links[, )already visited link( How to do that ? If it doesn't exist, and if work-arrounds are too loud, would this fashion interests some of you so that we could manage to make it ? Are there other browsers more usable with brltty ? Thanks and forgive me if this subject is well-known - but I missed the first step. - B.