Ok, I finally decided to see if root could do this. this meant I had to do it without brltty, because if I enter dosemu as root brltty immediately stops on me, though it resumes as soon as I exit dosemu. So, without using brltty on boot, I entered dosemu as root and was able to access the com ports. My question now is: How do I fix my serial permissions so that i can do this as a user. Presently my TTYSx are assigned to root and dialout, of which I am a membert. However, I have used chmod to put the permissions at 666 and even 1777 and that doesn't apparently give me access within dosemu. What do I need to change here? By the way, my versBraille doesn't appear to like dosemu--let out a long tone until I reset it. However, pcdisk works beautifully!!! TIA.