I have been wanting to do something about this problem for quite a while, but I am suffering from paralysis by analysis. In other words, I am not sure where to start learning about javascript or ecmascript as it is correctly known. What I think I want to do is to write some code in C that can take javascript directives and do its best to print useful stuff on an ASCII terminal when it can and fake or spoof the server on the other end when it is asked to do something that isn't possible such as to show a picture on the screen. I know darn well that sites which show pictures of text and tell you to "Click here" are still going to be worthless, but we've got to get started and sometimes, you have to solve a problem the way you eat an elephant, one bite at a time. I am not trained as a programmer. I kind of got in to this interesting occupation by accident 23 years ago, but I had to learn some assembly-language programming to fix a Morse Code routine that didn't sound very good on an Apple Two and the rest is history. The best approach may be to work on the javascript separately and then try to figure out how to fit it in to lynx. Is there a good description somewhere of the ecmascript language for Netscape and or Internet Explorer that one can read, preferably in electronic form? I think that if we can just get started, each new problem will be easier than the previous ones and the open-source method of doing things will shine. Now, I need the shoulders of some giants to stand on. Martin McCormick