cool, sounds like gwynn knows what he's talkin bout so maybe ya should hear em. screenvoice pro as i am prone to call it, will be out soon as i can finish with all the internal functions and work out the configuration scripts and stuff and it is independant of screader completely. in fact it is independant of everything. screader uses virtual terminals just like the screen program it grew out of... screenvoice pro is the terminal itself and can be used as the login shell or started from the command line or even via a remote access. this would make it possible with a controlling daemon to allow two users to use the same synth on your machine for a real time chat using the same speech ...but that would really be easier accomplished using irc or some other chat program. blah blah blah the ideas just bounce in and out of my head. anyway i will post the announcement for slv pro when i think its ready , i want to see about the root / boot disk image first so i have to figure out if there will be any special needs in the kernel for it to run as a binary. regards, brett barback author of screenvoice for linux