On Tue, 2023-02-28 at 19:47 -0600, Javier wrote: > Any one using a gui file manager Hi, yes, I'm using the terminal as well as https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/spacefm, but seldom another GUI FM. However, IMO gvfs always was a PITA. $ pacman -Qi gvfs Name : gvfs Version : 2013.08.18-1 Description : Dummy package [snip] Required By : caja evince nautilus nemo [snip] Build Date : Sun 18 Aug 2013 18:06:40 CEST Initially the main reason for me to build an empty dummy package, to fulfil unnecessary hard dependencies against gvfs was an issue with a green drive. After the green drive goes asleep and parks the heads, gvfs immediately wakes up the drive, hence the heads spin down and up again and again. This does damage the drive. After removing gvfs this doesn't happen anymore, excepted after using a burning tool named k3b. Meanwhile I don't care much about the green drive anymore, but still dislike gvfs for its clumsiness. Regards, Ralf