David, you are entitled to your own opinion, but my opinion about has not change. You are part of the 40% or so Americans who think that the world is made up of Americans only. You are one of those Americans that think that all Muslims are terrorists, and all Muslims are there to kill Americans. (Even though the American history since WWII shows more proof that the American foreign policy is more attact oriented than any other country's foreign policy). You are one of the Americans that us Muslims have a different God. (Islam, Christianiy and Judaism share the same one). You have been spiting your venom since Sept. 11 in this board, with your ignorance, with your disrespect and with your racist remarks. To me people like you, people who show weapons in the TBN or the networks of that asshole from Lynchburg, VA are not different than Osama spreading hate on some other TV networks. Both Christian right and the radical Islam are equality guilty on this. (I will also add the radical Jews to the list) Extremist ideas are extremist no matter where they come from. So, stop blaming me for the religion that I love and try to practice as much as possible , because you know didly squat about it. For the people who are so concerned about "Middle Eastern looking" people, dig a hole and live there. We have seen so many people to get hurt physically and psycologicaly because of your ignorant remarks, actions, etc. BAHA ACUNER Who is trying very hard to establish a flight school for last year in Renton, WA but is being hit by "Your name is not George" attitude. A Muslim Turk who loves to fly.. A muslim who love Cabarnet and Heineken.. There David, I am your anti-thesis of typical Muslim.. Oh yeah, one more thing, get out of the US and see the rest of the world..!!!!! =====