Never try to respond to an e-mail with one foot out the comes across as if the writer is on some pretty raunchy drugs...if anyone cares, here is what I meant to say in my last post. (just returned from screening 3 straight films) ......The 'jizz-bag' jab is aimed at corporate entities...not any one person or persons working with in the organizations usually they have no say in company policy and strategic decisons. After owning 2 travel agencies I went on, to designed, organized and set travel policy and operations for a major Hollywood I know the drill very well...I saw airline ass kissing at a level that the largest corporate travel companies would never dream of! So If you took it personally as you did..then by my own definition... I was also once a jizz-bag (and some may still hold that view). But none the less, this doesn't diminish the fact that practice still and will continue to run rampant. If anything, being in business for myself permits me to see that the 'corporate ethics' are pretty much non-existants and it's 'thirst for profit at any cost' is at unprecedent levels....just look at Enron and Global Crossing and many others yet to surface! But seriously, no personal attacks were intended in anyway, my apologies if they appeared that way!